
Friday, March 9, 2012

Easy, Inexpensive Ways To Freshen Up Your Home For Spring

I am so ready for my yard to start blooming, but nothing too exciting is happening out there yet. So, I made a quick trip to my go-to for easy, inexpensive flowers...Kroger. You would be surprised at their choices and how long they last!
 I picked up this bunch for $3.50. They are sitting on the bedside table that is the match for my console that I painted. This piece needs some help too (see the terribly beat up top), but it's working for now.
I used some floral foam (I keep a big square of it on hand to cut off of), and used this silver julep cup that I bought from Pottery Barn a couple of years ago. I paired that with my two PB Bunnies that I filled with Easter candy (notice how I've already eaten about half of it!!) It's a cute way to decorate for Spring without getting super-cheesy.
Adorable flowers on the cheap!

And quick side-track. You may notice a few changes...since my Great-room wall was re-constructed, my favorite mirror had to find a new home. I stuck it in the entry hall and I LOVE it there! It brightens the whole space!

I needed something under it so I stole the piano bench. I know it's probably not normal to have a footstool under your piano, but it's kind of working for me right now.

On to my second $3.50 bunch of flowers. These are brightening up the dining room. They are sitting in a cute thrift store jar. I love using things other than vases for flowers.

And my cat likes to chew on these...note the little pieces all over the table. Haven't figured out how to fix that yet. She's a big girl and gets hungry, what can I say?
Happy Friday! Now go out and get some flowers to freshen up your weekend!!

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