
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Cat Purse Anyone?

Based on the emails that I have received from friends with funny craigslist recomendations, my monkey post from last week was a big hit! This week I am bringing to you two more great finds from You can thank me later.

First, this lovely cat purse. Only $15! And notice the intricate monogramming of the word "Catty". If the creepy cat face doesn't scream, "stay away from me, I'm crazy", letting people also know that you are "catty" should seal the deal.

Here is the link for the Cat Purse. Snatch it up before someone else does!

Next, this "Wooden Indian" would make a great conversation piece for only $200. I am thinking that having this sitting in the corner of a room in your house would be almost as creepy as the scary cat purse. I also have to point out the cat in the background of the picture who looks a little irritated that his scratching post is being sold to the highest bidder.

Stay tuned later this week for an update on my Cool Weather Herb Box!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Easy Plate Shelves

I have been collecting plates for a while and my husband was starting to wonder why we have an entire collection of mis-matched plates. So, I asked him to build me a couple of plate shelves so that I could display my wonderful finds!

I gave him my measurements and specifications, and he went to work. He built 2 long boxes and even put a groove all the way across the top of the shelves so that my plates would have a snug fit in their new home! Then, I primed and painted them and they were ready to go. He left the back of the shelves open and mounted a long piece of wood on the wall that fit in the open area of the shelf. This made it easy to slide the shelf right onto the board and after securing it with a couple of screws, it was complete!
These are my new shelves! I am loving how much color the plates bring to my dining room wall!
This picture shows the groove in the top of the shelf. Also, they stick out from the wall far enough so that if I want to use them for something other than plates, it won't be a problem.
This is a not-so-close-up view of my wall. Don't worry, I have more plates that I can use to change out if I get tired of these :)
You could very easily add crown molding to these for a different look, but I really like the clean lines of is similar to the lines of the molding already in the room. These shelves were less than $50 to make, and after pricing them elsewhere, that is a steal!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Craigslist: Good deals and good for a laugh

I am a frequent (at least twice daily) peruser of It can be a great place to find inexpensive furniture/art/pretty much whatever you're looking for. Every once in a while, I come across a piece and I think, "someone else has to think this is as funny/ridiculous as I do!" So, I am going to start posting these as I find them to pass on these great deals to you. I know we can all use a good laugh every now and then!

Up this week is this "Statue of Monkey on Stand" It can be yours for only...drum roll please...$375!! Its description states that it is "one of a kind" and has brought "many compliments over the past 5 years". Also, this apparently cost the original owners $2,000, but they are willing to part with it for a mere $375.

Seriously, who wouldn't want one of these in their home??! The face and tail are gold-leaf! Click on the link for more pictures! If you find any funny Craigslist posts let me know and I will be happy to post them!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Great Finds For Spring!

As a stager, I am always looking for cost-effective ways to make a stylish but neutral impact in a house. There are usually a few places that I automatically look and this week they do not disappoint. I wanted to highlight a few pieces that could make a huge impact on a home with a small impact on your budget.

First up is Target. They have a great Dwell line called "Dwell Studio". It is my go-to for fashion forward prints and cheery pieces. This Spring is full of simple floral and bird sillouets, tile prints, and muted colors mixed with a pop of bright! This is a placemat that would instantly update a table! 2 for $10.

5x8 Area rug for $125!!! What a steal! And the silloutes are perfect for this season. Slip this in front of your couch and you have an instant update!

This is one of my all-time favorite Target finds. It has been in my online shopping cart for close to a month (does anyone else ever fill up their cart and just leave it without hitting the purchase button?). I can't believe is has survived that long without selling out. It is reversible and is only $5!! Yes, you read that correctly. I might have to hit purchase today before the rest of you snatch up the last one!!

Alright, on to my second spot. I try to avoid Wal-Mart at all costs, see HERE for some examples of why. But shopping online is a great alternative. They have a HomeTrends line that is actually stylish and, of course, inexpensive. This is sucha pretty rug and the price is pretty unbelievable. I think it's out of stock at the moment, but probably not for long.

This pillow is perfect for Spring! And $13!

Another $13 Throw pillow! That's hard to beat!!

Finally, I am loving this lamp. And for only $25, I love it even more. It has a much more expensive look. And they also have some great updated lamp shades for only $10 a pop!

When looking for fast, easy updates to a space, these are definitely a leap in the right direction! Happy shopping!!!

I Am A Picture Grouping Groupie!

Large pictures/frames are usually pretty pricey. This is a problem for me since I have lots of large wall spaces. My solution has always been groupings of pictures and frames. I currently have a grouping of all of our children (animals) in my hallway, a grouping of family and friends in my dining room, and some other random art groupings in other rooms in my house.

Why do I like this so much? Because usually smaller picture frames are much more reasonable and give the look of a large piece when several are hung together.

Last month I posted about some great Etsy finds. One of them was these great bird print cards! I loved them so much that I decided they needed a new home, in my home! For $8 they were hard to resist.

I wasn't sure what exactly I was going to do with them, but I had an idea. My in-laws recently re-modeled their home, and apparently had lots of nice frames left over. So, my mother-in-law generously gave us our pick of her stash, and I immediately saw many makeovers in my future. One set that really caught my eye were custom framed flower prints. They were very 90's reminiscent with the green marble matte and 2-toned gold-ish/brass-ish frame. She had already given me the go-ahead to do whatever I wanted to them, so I was set!

This is one of the 4 pictures in its original state. A great double-matte and solid frame. My idea: spray paint the frame a better gold, paint the large matte white, and use a new print (this is where my bird stationary cards come in!)

This is the same frame now! I gave the frame a once over with gold spray paint. I left the inner matte gold but painted the outer one white. Doesn't it just make that little birdie sing?

This is my new grouping pre-hanging. I absolutely love how great they look with my rug. These found a new home in my formal living room and I think then work perfectly.

Here they are on the wall. I once again apologize for the camera quality and will be happy to take donations for my please-no-more-bad-pictures camera fund :) The chair doesn't usually sit there but I move it for vacuuming and I thought it looked nice. I am planning on painting the mirror the same gold as the frames. And still trying to figure out a good color for my piano other than off-white. Any suggestions??

So, for $8 for my bird cards, and $2 for 2 cans of spray paint, I have new art! You can't beat that!

Springing Your House Forward!

It is finally starting to feel like Spring (sort of), and every Spring I can't wait to freshen up my house! I have never been a big "Easter" decorator, because so many of the options for this holiday are either geared toward kids, or they are just super cheesy. This year, I decided to try to find some pretty things that were geared more toward Spring, and didn't scream Easter bunnies (OK, a few of these scream easter bunnies, but they are the exception).
This is a table setting from I am still in mourning over the recent closing of the Memphis Pottery Barn, so I will have to get my fix online. I love how the centerpiece is a Springy but simple flower arrangement in a basket. And the egg-shaped bowls are toned down by all of the other more natural pieces used on the table.

These nest votive holders are really cute and simple. Perfect for Spring! They are also from Pottery Barn.

These eggs with muted tones are more grown-up than the typical kiddie-eggs. And they are really pretty with a little greenery in these glass containers. Also from Pottery Barn.

OK, this is where things get a little more "Eastery". But how cute would this bright yellow little bird pillow be on a side chair in a kid's room?? I found it on

This is another find and I think it is adorable! And less than $7. It is very Anthropologie-ish but with a much nicer price tag.
This is another Etsy pillow that is very bright and Springy and perfect for Easter. In the right setting, these could brighten up your home/apartment/condo in no time and add a little bit of personality at the same time!
Other easy ways to bring your house out of hibernation:
Place some fresh flowers in pretty vases on tables/ can find some great flowers at the grocery store, belive it or not!
For those of you Mississippi girls with your Peter's/McCarty pottery bunnies scattered around your house, bring them all together and make a Spring Statement on a shelf or coffee table!
Change out your throw pillows with some bright, floral prints!
What else do you do in your home to make if feel more Springy?

Friday, March 12, 2010

Be Back Soon!

I just want to apologize for my lack of usually consistent blogging :) I have been under the weather /sick/coughing and sneezing uncontrollably and have not been my normal bloggy self. I will be back with something very soon! Everyone have a great weekend!!

This is pretty much what I have looked like all week...minus the earrings :)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

March's Southern Living Project!

While I am still waiting for something to sprout from last month's project, a cool weather herb box, I am on to this month's project.
I want to try something different each month, so this month I decided to look for some easy, practical, and fun recipes.
I have narrowed it down to a snack (because snacks are the #1 food in our house), and a drink (Because I am so excited about springy, sunny weather where you can sit in the back yard and sip a fun, fruity drink! Well, maybe not OUR backyard unless we get our mosquito issues under control...)

My first project will be Benne Brittle. Can't be too hard, right? It's only 3 ingredients! Sesame seeds, sugar, and vanilla extract. My kind of recipe :)

The second recipe I am trying is the Mango Tango Tea. Sound Yummy! I'm thinking a "long island" version might be fun too :) There isn't a picture of how it is supposed to look, but I am going to add the ice cube idea from this drink recipe, which also sounds yummy. How fun are blueberry ice cubes?!

I am going to hopefully try these out within the next couple of weeks, so I will report back on how they turned out! I really appreciate how Southern Living includes recipes like this that are do-able for those of us who aren't gourmet cooks!