
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I Am A Picture Grouping Groupie!

Large pictures/frames are usually pretty pricey. This is a problem for me since I have lots of large wall spaces. My solution has always been groupings of pictures and frames. I currently have a grouping of all of our children (animals) in my hallway, a grouping of family and friends in my dining room, and some other random art groupings in other rooms in my house.

Why do I like this so much? Because usually smaller picture frames are much more reasonable and give the look of a large piece when several are hung together.

Last month I posted about some great Etsy finds. One of them was these great bird print cards! I loved them so much that I decided they needed a new home, in my home! For $8 they were hard to resist.

I wasn't sure what exactly I was going to do with them, but I had an idea. My in-laws recently re-modeled their home, and apparently had lots of nice frames left over. So, my mother-in-law generously gave us our pick of her stash, and I immediately saw many makeovers in my future. One set that really caught my eye were custom framed flower prints. They were very 90's reminiscent with the green marble matte and 2-toned gold-ish/brass-ish frame. She had already given me the go-ahead to do whatever I wanted to them, so I was set!

This is one of the 4 pictures in its original state. A great double-matte and solid frame. My idea: spray paint the frame a better gold, paint the large matte white, and use a new print (this is where my bird stationary cards come in!)

This is the same frame now! I gave the frame a once over with gold spray paint. I left the inner matte gold but painted the outer one white. Doesn't it just make that little birdie sing?

This is my new grouping pre-hanging. I absolutely love how great they look with my rug. These found a new home in my formal living room and I think then work perfectly.

Here they are on the wall. I once again apologize for the camera quality and will be happy to take donations for my please-no-more-bad-pictures camera fund :) The chair doesn't usually sit there but I move it for vacuuming and I thought it looked nice. I am planning on painting the mirror the same gold as the frames. And still trying to figure out a good color for my piano other than off-white. Any suggestions??

So, for $8 for my bird cards, and $2 for 2 cans of spray paint, I have new art! You can't beat that!

1 comment:

  1. Love it!! Those look so cute.. I say paint the piano the same shade of gold as the frames. :) hehe.. jk. I do love the new look though and the birds are presh!
