
Monday, February 20, 2012

Kind-of After: My painted dresser turned console

So, this isn't the final after shot, but I thought you deserved a little update on THIS table. Once the carpet gets repaired where the steps used to sit and I can accessorize it, I will give you a completed after shot!
As a refresher, here is where we started with this piece:

To see the entire "before" post with the in-progress pics included, click HERE.
Here it is after a coat of paint on both the piece and all of the hardware:

The picture to the right has a mate, and they are going to hang above the console. I also found them at the Habitat ReStore, and at first I was going to change out the matte, which is pink with a green inner border, but I'm starting to really like the pink, so it may stay.

Here's a closer look at the re-painted hardware.
The carpet guy is coming tomorrow so I'm hoping to get this room DONE very soon. I will be back with a complete "after" once that happens!!

Also, stay tuned for our first giveaway this week! I am so excited to be doing this and I think you will like what is up for grabs!!

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