
Friday, January 6, 2012

DIY Decorative Moss Vase Filler.

I don't know if that's the technical term for them, but Moss Balls was the only other name I could come up with...sorry if that sounds a little awkward :)
I needed something to fill the glass cake dome that is currently in my built-ins, and I didn't want to pay $2-$3 a piece for Mossy balls (OK that just sounds weird, I'm now calling them spheres).
I already had some moss from THIS project and THIS project, but you could pick up a sheet (mine was actually an entire table runner) at Hobby Lobby when they are 50% off or with a coupon from will probably cost you about $5.
I picked up some floral spheres at Hobby Lobby for 50% off. So they were about $2.50 for a package of 6.
Oops...blurry pic. Sorry!
Next I cut the moss into lots of pieces. I wanted each one to fit on the spheres without wrinkling up.
One thing to remember when working with this moss is to have something under your workspace (mine happens to be the floor). This stuff gets everywhere!
I used my hot glue gun to attach the pieces all over the floral foam. It was kind of putting together a puzzle.
Sorry again for the blurry pic...not sure what was going on there. Maybe too much caffeine for the photographer.
Once all of the pieces are on, you can't even see where any of them match up.
Here they are all happy on top of my ottoman that used to be my coffee table...more on that in another post.
And here they are in their new home! I still have a couple left that I am going to use somewhere else. I'm just not sure where that is yet!

So my cost breakdown:
6 foam spheres: about $2.50 (hobby lobby at 50% off)
Sheet of moss: already had, but used about 1/4 of it so let's say $1.25 ($5 for total sheet at hobby lobby)
Hot glue: already had
So I spent around $3.75 total for 6 moss spheres. As opposed to $16.50 HERE. Anyone notice that PB calls them spheres too.
I think that's a pretty good deal for an hour spent DIY-ing!

1 comment:

  1. Is there anything you can't cover w/ moss??? Fantastic idea!
