
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Master Bathroom Progress Report

A couple of weeks ago I shared this picture along with some more master bathroom updates. You can see more info on this ongoing project HERE and HERE.
The master closet is the second part of this project and you can't see it, but there is a door to the right when you walk in the bathroom that leads to it...
It was originally a small closet with sliding double doors. You can see where the old wall was where the floor has been repaired.
This base that goes all the way around the room is going to be wall to ceiling built-ins to house hanging clothes, shoe racks,and drawers.
But let's step back to show you exactly where this is:
This view is looking into the bathroom (on the left) and the closet (on the right) from the master bedroom...before the drywall was up.
If you step into the closet, you can see where it used to be a closet/hallway combo, with the hallway looking into the Great room. That trim around the door is where the closet started. Right along that far right blue line.
And now the door is closed up, floors are patched (and will be re-stained), and the bases are built! This has pretty much doubled the size of the closet. And in case you are confused by this view, the bathroom door is just out of sight to the left.

Like I said in the last post, I will continue to update you on the master bath/closet as it progresses!
See you back for "Thrifted Thursday"!

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