
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Bathroom Remodel Update

I thought you might be interested in an update on the bathroom that I posted about HERE. If you remember, this is where it started once the new studs/plumbing/floors were in:

 And this was it after it got some walls!

 Here is the newest version...with partial paint...and a floor!
 It's kind of hard to get pictures without any lights, but hopefully you get the idea. That large pipe is where the toilet will go. The space in front of it will be the vanity.
 That's the shower on the left, and those 3 pipes will be the slipper tub. The bottom half of the walls will have wainscoting, and the orange protective barrier will be covered with white subway tile.
 Here's a closer look at the floor. It is much whiter than this in person. It's porcelain with the look of marble.
Here is a look at the shower tile. A honeycomb pattern that will look nice with the white subway tile that will go up the wall.
I'll be sure to keep you posted on the progress as soon as there is any :)
See y'all back here for "Thrifted Thursday"!

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