
Friday, February 3, 2012

Knitting Stand Makeover!

Yesterday, I posted about my Mystery Find that I picked up for free while out on a run. Well thanks to a follower, I now know that it's a knitting stand!
I wanted to do something a little different with it, and I was inspired by a couple of places. I was perusing the Spring Target shipments a couple of weeks ago, and I loved the white/gold contrasts along with everything else on that aisle. It was all super-fabulous:
I was also inspired by THIS post by Jenny at LGN. If you don't follow her blog, you need to. Everything she does and finds is amazing.
If you follow me on Pinterest, you probably saw this image from her post on my Decorating Inspiration board.
I love the "dipped" look on the legs. It's so different.
For a refresher, here is the knitting stand before (well, after I cleaned about 10 layers of dirt and who knows what else off of it).

I first spray-painted it with several coats of white. I used Rustoleum primer and glossy finish in one. I used glossy to get the shiny look that I wanted.
I then taped off the legs where I wanted my "dipped" effect to start.
This is after the first of 2 coats of gold.

I didn't take pictures but I also taped off the 2 round knobs on top and gave them the gold treatment as well.
Here is the after:

I have to tell you, I love it even more than I thought I would. I'm sure this paint choice might not be for everyone, but I think it totally gives this piece a new life!
I tried it out with some towels since I am planning on putting this in the bathroom as storage, and I love it even more. It's perfect!
I didn't spend any money on this at all, which makes it even better! I already had the spray paint and I picked it up from the side of the road so it cost me nothing!
How can you get any better than free?


  1. "Free" is always good! Looks great! (I am Roylyn, your neighbor down the street!)

  2. Thanks Roylyn!! You might have seen me walking down the street with it! Ha :)

  3. Very cute and very creative. Very cool upcycle! Great job!

  4. Thank you, Jen! I appreciate that comment coming from you!! :)

  5. Hi Lauren, I met your husband Hollis who did our audit last week at Healthy Memphis Common Table. I am a fellow trash to treasure artist and I am in awe of your work. Especially the fabric work you do. And the metalic touch to the knitting stand has inspired me to paint a table I got at my fav thrift store with some metalic paint. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous work. Regards - Monica Morgan

  6. Thank you , Monica! He told me about you! I can't wait to check out your booth! Thinking of starting one myself...just a little intimidated by the thought :)
