
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Work In Progress...Does Anyone Know What This Is?

I wanted to show you what I am working on today. This sucker is getting a paint job. I found him while I was running a couple of weeks ago (yes, I pick things up off the side of the road), and I walked the mile back with him and the dog (yes, my neighbors think I'm crazy).
Problem is, I'm not exactly sure what he is. Does anyone know? Seriously?? There are 2 doors that go on top (one is on the ground) and there is a ledge inside.
Since he was free, I'm going to do something a little daring and creative with him. I think he'll end up in the master bath (that has been under construction since the beginning of time) to hold towels or TP or something.
There was just something about him that was charming and I couldn't pass it up. I might start walking around the neighborhood holding things like this more regularly because my arm muscles got a major workout!
Can anyone help me out with what you think this was originally used for? I'm taking all suggestions!
PS, did anyone notice my excessive use of parenthesis today? Not sure what's going on there. I'll be back this week with an updated "AFTER" pic!


  1. THANK YOU! I have been googling everything I could think of and couldn't figure it out! I knew it looked familiar but couldn't remember how!! Now know, My grandmother had one!!

  2. I have a smaller version that is a sewing basket on shorter legs. The two "doors" on top swing open and there is a tray with a compartment for thread that is removable with storage underneath. Good find! I paid quite a bit for mine. Liz
