
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Some Pinterest Love

Have you tried Pinterest yet? If not, you need to take a couple of minutes to sign up!
I don't know if anyone else is like me, but when I find a website that I like, I keep that tab open on my computer for days, until I have literally 10 tabs open at once. Until one day I open up my computer, and it has RE-STARTED on its own because of some completely pointless really important update. And all of my beloved tabs are now gone forever, never to be seen again. I guess you could call me a tab-hoarder (is there a show for that on TLC yet?). And so I never have any recipes or DIY tutorials and I can't ever find that one picture that I wanted to use as inspiration for something.

OK. Maybe I'm the only one that does this. But regardless, Pinterest lets you immediately save all of these sites/pictures/ideas/whatever you want to one spot.  And you can categorize until your heart's content. It's pretty great.  I am still getting started, but am already loving it. You can also see what everyone else is pinning and can follow friends or whoever you would like.
Take a minute to check it out!
Like I said, I am still new to this, but am already loving it! 
If you are already on Pinterest, let me know and I will follow you!

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