
Monday, June 13, 2011

A mini-den makeover: part two of creative drapes

Last week I posted about thinking out-of-the-box to make drapes.  You can read about it HERE.  I wanted to lighten the look of my den, and make it less cave-like.  I also sewed some new pillow covers in greys and whites in keeping with the light and airy theme.  I can easily add some bright pops of color in accessories, but I think these light fabrics make a world of difference against the dark leather!

As a reminder, above was the den not long after we moved in.
Here is pretty much the same view now.  It's amazing how much lighter everything feels! 
 Here's another view of the couch and chair.  I am loving the grays.  A couple of the fabrics I used I have used in other jobs, and I loved them so much, I ordered some for myself!
 I like to sometimes mix fabrics, and I used a striped velvet gray as the backer for the pillow on the chair. 
I also used a different fabric for these backs as well, just in case I want to add a little color I can just flip them around!  This is also a great way to stretch out expensive fabric over several projects! 
 Here is a view looking into the kitchen.  I know, the fireplace is pretty terrible.  I will probably paint that mirror white soon to brighten up that side of the room.
Here is the couch again in its darker days.
Last shot of the room all bright and cheery.  I love how it turned out!

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