
Friday, March 11, 2011

My side chair is having a little work done

This is my side chair.  He has floated from home to home, room to room since we have been married.  He has always just been there.  More of a pillow holder than anything else. 
You can see him here in my living room:
Or here on the other side of my living room:
Let's just say he gets shoved around.  And this time it's to the great room for extra seating.  A couple of years ago we sanded and stained him since the wood was pretty worn out.  That helped, but what he really needs is a facelift.  So I have decided that his cushions are getting re-covered!  I know he's excited. 
Here is the current color situation in the great room where he will soon live: 

I don't have a good picture of my drapes, but you get the idea...this is actually the corner that the chair will sit in (this picture is from Christmas, I don't always have ornaments on display). I really want this chair to finally have a place and purpose, so I am thinking I might go a little bold!  I absolutely love the Premier Prints chevron that I used in my guest bedroom HERE, and since it looks like chevron might be around for a while, I am thinking something like this:

Or this, if the first one scares me too much:

This ash color would tie in the grey in my walls.  Lucky for me, there is a premier prints store here in Memphis, so I will be making a stop in there pronto to see if they have either one of these beauties in stock.  I can't wait to show you the finished product!!

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