
Friday, January 21, 2011

Hallelujah! I have a night stand!!

During the Spring/Summer, I am a devoted yard sale shopper. I get up every Saturday and map my way from one to another. I never spend much money, but occasionally I find a really great piece. That is how I came across a perfect night stand candidate. Since we purchased our ginormous bed in 2006, I have been using the teeniest table in the world that was about 2 feet too short and was beyond ugly. I have been propping my lamp up on so many books that it was probably a fire hazard. When I saw $10 on the top of this table, I snatched it up!
This is the table how I found it. Half original finish, half red spray paint. Obviously this was the middle of summer based on the badly-needing-a-good-mow lawn.
And suprise, when we tried to pick it up and it was super heavy, we found a sewing machine inside! Isn't that cute? And the front opens up and has a tray to hold sewing accessories I guess. We removed the really old sewing machine, since I didn't have a need for it, and decided to paint it.

It is a pretty old piece. The stamp underneath says Sept 1, 1967.
We used my Sherwin Williams color wheel and picked a color a little out of our comfort zone. After numerous color mistakes made in our first home which called for numerous hours re-painting, we were a little gun-shy about painting an actual color (as opposed to my go-to colors of black, brown, gold, and white). But I wanted to bring in a color from other places in the house, and yellow is something that I am starting to put everywhere. So my husband picked the color, and we bought a quart. It is called "Quilt Gold" and we used oil based to get a more finished look.

Two coats later it is hanging out next to my bed finally happy to be out of the cold garage! It is the PERFECT height and after paint was about $15 start to finish! That's hard to find.

There is major construction going on in our master bedroom right now (closing up doors, opening new doors, creating hallways, expanding bathrooms, etc...) so when that is all done we will have new bedding, a new wall color, and new window treatments. But for now i am making it work.
You can see me already bringing in my left over drapery fabric to maybe create some throw pillows for the bed. I will have to wait though until I know what the rest of the changes in the room will be. I can't wait to go to bed tonight and read from a lamp that isn't sitting on five books and a mini night stand!!


  1. Love, Love, Love the table!!!! super cute!!!!
    miss u.
    jess collins

  2. Looks awesome!! Can't wait for you to come up here and give my apt some TLC :) OR me some ideas.. whatevs!! Miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Love the table, super cute! Great color choice!

  4. love it! great vignette on top, too! i keep looking for something similar but i am too scared to actually redo something when i DO find it!

  5. Thanks everyone! And I was scared to paint also, but knowing that I didn't invest a lot into the piece, it made it a little easier to take the plunge. And I was so happy with the end result!

  6. I have an old sewing machine cabinet like this and I painted it black just recently.
