
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Every room can use a touch of Tudor

So... this post really has nothing to do with staging, but I have been catching up on the final season of "The Tudors", and first I must say if you have not watched the series, may I provide you with the number one reason why you should:

Mr. Henry Cavill, who plays Charles, The Duke of Suffolk. Ok, maybe not the only reason, but a very good reason.

Now, compose yourself and lets get back to things that actually relate to this blog in some fashion. Every episode has the most amazing and detailed backdrops. The ornate fabrics, the huge wooden furniture pieces, the candle light. It is all so beautiful (I just try not to imagine how bad it probably smelled seeing as how there wasn't alot of showering/laundry services going on). Those are things you don't have to worry about when watching it on TV.

I think it would be so fun to be a set designer and get to play with all of the amazing textiles and natural elements. I think there are definitely elements from that period that could be worked into a more contemporary home. Here is a mood board that I found on Apartment Therapy that shows some pieces that reflect the "Tudor" look.

Showtime also got together with Metropolitan Home to create some rooms inspired by the series!

I absolutely love this couch and the stencilled walls.

This is a 17th century chair that has been brought back to life and looks beautiful up against the light walls.

Here is the full view of the room. It just makes you feel like you are a part of that period (minus the beheadings and diseases). You can read about the designer and see more pictures HERE. I love pulling ideas from period decor. Just one unique piece can be a total standout in a home!

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