
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Don't Be Crewel! (Thrifted Thursday)

No, I'm not a bad speller...I'm just a bad punner , pun maker? Whatever. You should just be impressed that I worked Elvis and a sewing technique into my title...I am a Memphis thrifter after all.

There is a new thrift store type place not too far from my usual spots, so I thought I would check it out. It was a little chaotic there, but I managed to snag two beautiful crewel pillows for a total of $12!

I have them in the great room right now because the colors were great for in there. These items are hand sewn (and a little secret, there was an antique store tag inside one for $40...)

Crewel is simply sewing a pattern on top of a fabric...usually using some type of wool. You can see the detail in the pic below.
I absolutely LOVE these, and am so excited about this fun find!!


  1. They are very pretty. I'd be excited too. You scored big time!

  2. Thanks!I love finding quality pieces like this so cheap!!
