
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Thrifted Bamboo Box Makeover

I have noticed that lately I've been drawn to dark, rich green hues when it comes to decor. I absolutely love the natural mineral malachite, and have wanted to use it somewhere in my home for a while.

Malachite fabric used as chair upholstery.

Used as roman shades.

It's definitely a bold choice, and I'm sure that not everyone loves it like I do, and that's fine! I just wanted a little injection of it. It is also very pricey, no matter what form it comes in!
Which brings me to this thrift store box with a bamboo rim. It was 0.99 around Christmas time, and it has been sitting in a closet waiting for something to give me inspiration as a starting point.

It is very solid and lined, and I knew that I wasn't digging the banana leaves that covered it, and some of them were flaking off already, so I peeled them all off while sitting in front of the TV. Then after looking at my malachite inspirations, I decided to find a free image online, print off several sheets of it, and paste it onto the box. I used a modge-podge type glue, but any kind of craft adhesive would work.
Here is the "after"! I couldn't bring myself to paint the bamboo, maybe I'll talk myself into that soon. For now though, it's staying "au naturel"

It will be a great and stylish source for extra storage, and I haven't quite decided where to use it yet. I have been playing around with it as a fun book storage on my built-ins. I still need to clean up the edges around the openings with a box-cutter, but I LOVE how it turned out!!

For 0.99, I think my little idea worked out perfectly.

What do you think? Did this inspire you to try any bold trends that you may have been a little aprehensive about? I'd love to know!


  1. Love what you did with this box-following from TDC-stop by for a visit!

  2. Thank you Claire! I love your blog!!
