
Thursday, March 22, 2012

New Weekly Feature: Thrifted Thursday!

One of my passions is finding items while thrifting that I can use in my home, and although I do share some of these things with you, it's usually in passing. I decided to make this a more structured thing, since it is something that is so important to me and is a big part of my decorating style. I also thought that through this feature, I can share some tips with you about thrifting like how to find quality pieces and things not to buy.
I consider thrifting to be shopping thrift stores, yard sales, estate sales, etc... I hope you enjoy my fun finds!! Check back each Thursday for a new installment!

This week's features are my copper cannisters in the kitchen.
I found them at different places and at different times, and I'm still looking for a third. I love their vintage vibe and I even kind of like how they are a little worn. Shows character.
I think they look nice with my fruit bowl. The copper and blue are a nice compliment to one another. One has a flour label, and the other has a coffee label. But that's not usually what stays in either one!

Aren't they charming? I'm hoping they distract from the ugly countertops/cabinets/ the kitchen!
FYI, a natural way to polish copper is by sprinkling salt on a halved lemon, and then rubbing it all over the item in a circular motion. believe it or not these were much more worn before I did this!
Where do you keep your flour, sugar, or other baking essentials? In the cabinet? On the counter? I'd love to know!


  1. I'm so excited that you're starting this series! I want to add more character pieces in my home, but feel completely overwhelmed when walking into Goodwill. Love the copper canisters!

  2. Thanks, Monica! I'm excited about it too! And I agree, it can be completely overwhelming!!

  3. Love the canisters! I love rummaging in thrift stores; never know what you'll find!
