
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Updated "Before and After Projects" Page

I have spent some time updating the Before and after page with pictures and links to easily access all of those posts. So take a minute to check it out It is right above the "search box" above this post.

Also, if you love being fashionable on a budget, and haven't checked out my new blog with tips and pictures of outfits, take a look! There is a link button just to the right of this post for Sensibly Chic Shopper. You can also follow along that blog on twitter @BeSensiblyChic!


  1. i am on the budget. soo se u on twitter =)

  2. Hey Lauren, love the updated before/after page - you're super talented! What photo editing program do you use to do the side-by-side pics?

  3. Thanks Monica!
    I used Picasa. It's pretty limiting but it's free which you know is my preferred method of doing things. Ha!

  4. Oh, and I forgot...after I created the Picasa collage I added text in powerpoint and then saved it as a JPEG.

  5. Free is always best in my book - thanks for the tip!
