
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Few Blog Updates!

I hope everyone is having a happy January! I thought with the new year I should spend a little time updating the blog. So, a few things that you should check out:
There are several new options in the column to the right. You can now "like" us on facebook, get every new post emailed to you by simply entering your email address, and check out our Pinterest page by clicking the button!
We also have a new header showcasing some recent projects and a new background.

Also, I bought THIS today! Which hopefully means better pictures on the blog!
In keeping with the theme of new year, new updates, I have made several personal "resolutions", or whatever you want to call them. Here are a few, because I feel like if I make them public, I will be more likely to follow them!
1. Start wearing eye cream at night. Apparently the rest of you started doing this years ago, and no one told me. Now my eyes are all wrinkly and it's going to take me years to catch up. Thanks a lot for keeping me out of the loop, guys! I guess better late than never.
2. Start only getting on Facebook to update my business page or occasionally post pictures. I feel like the "friend" side of it has become a little negative lately, and I am not even seeing updates from the only people that I would like to keep up with. So if you need to get in touch with me, it's probably not the best place to do that. So far I am 3 days and counting with no Facebook, and it's pretty great!
3. Get over my body issues. This is my big one, and it's the hardest. I don't know if I'll ever be completely able to embrace things like cellulite, hair turning grey, or flabby arms, but I'm going to do better not to dwell on it. That brings me to my new blog venture on the side:

I get asked about my clothes a lot, and I decided to do this to help people shop for fashionable things on a budget. I am not an expert, not even close, so this is just informative and for fun. The catch is that I would have to be OK with posting pictures of myself (which I don't know if you've noticed, is a thing that doesn't happen on this blog!). This will be the big challenge for me, so please check it out and give me some encouragement! I hope you'll follow along with the new blog as well as this one. And spread the word to anyone you think might enjoy it! I'm really excited about it!

Did any of you commit to resolutions this year? Have you already broken them? I'm curious to see what others think about them, so let me know!

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