
Friday, April 15, 2011

"I'm MOSSY": A Super-Easy DIY door hanger

(Am I the only one singing that title to the tune of "I'm Bossy" by Kelis?). If so, it probably doesn't make sense to the rest of you. I would link to the video but I don't think it's safe for my blog. But enough about that. I saw THIS post on Thriftydecorchick and I thought, "hey, I can do that!" I had this big "H" that I bought at Joann's last year that I have been using in my bedroom.  But since that room will be getting a makeover, the "H" needed a new place to live. So, I give her total credit for this simple project.  Be sure to check out her blog HERE.
 I bought this sheet of moss at Hobby Lobby for a few bucks, and I went to work.
I peeled the back off and got out my glue gun. Be sure to put something down wherever you are doing gets kind of messy.
I laid the letter out and cut the moss around it. I started gluing and wrapping the moss around the back of the letter.
I just trimmed off the extra and used it to fill in anywhere that the moss wouldn't completely cover.  I wanted to make sure that the front and back were covered, but you probably wouldn't have to.
This seriously took about 15 minutes. So easy! Next, I found some ribbon that I had in my random box of ribbon (don't we all have one of those?), and I hot glued it to the back. I then re-inforced it with staples.
When I put it on the door, it hung a little longer than I wanted, so I just stapled an extra loop in the ribbon, and hung it on the nail! And here it is complete! This also gives you another peek at my newly-painted house! I am not going to show the entire thing yet because my husband is making the shutters for our windows over the weekend, and I want to make sure those are up before I take the final pics. I LOVE the color of our door now! It's like a gunmetal gray and looks great with the house color!
Like I normally do, I took way too many picture of my mossy "H". But I am SO happy with how it turned out, and how easy it was!
Here is a view of it on the porch. It's a little dark but you get the idea. I have resorted to using my IPhone for all of my pictures until I invest in a new camera...I think it does a pretty good job though! We will soon be getting a new front porch light. And just ignore the awesome red tile. Hopefully that won't be with us for too much longer.
Last picture, I promise.  I'm so happy with my new front door.  Now I want to cover everything with moss!  
The total cost for this was about $10. The Pottery Barn version? $79!! Plus shipping! Craziness. You can see it HERE. Everyone have a great weekend and check back next week for some more completed projects!


  1. Look at you making such fun doorhanger! I have a T that I am totally going to try this with - thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Cuuuute! And you know I was humming Kelis before I even clicked on the post! I saw her sing Milkshake this week, did you read my post???

