
Friday, February 26, 2010

We're famous! Kind of... Also, a built-in update

I was really excited the other day when I visited Adventures in Dressmaking and saw that Suzannah had posted about my tank top-turned-pillow! I used her as inspiration and let her know, so she was nice enough to feature it in one of her posts!
You can see the post HERE!

Now, on to business.
Last month I posted some before and afters of our great room and included a pic of our soon-to-be built-ins. I wanted to dedicate an entire post to them this time because of how much work is going into them and also because of how great they are coming along!
I thought I would start with a before of the room as we saw it when we bought it. Yes, we bought it even though it looked like this... The wall with the window is the one that we are working on.

Before...and yes that is a church bench.
There was a random closet built out of the wall. My husband did some major demolition and knocked it out himself.
This is the wall after the closet removal. Looks pretty scary. Oops, accidently caught Hollis in a pic!

This is the wall all patched up and after he had to level out the base before he started. Yes, our floor is apparently really slanted :) Sorry for the random plants/vases...this is kind of our catch-all room while under construction.

This is the beginning of the built-ins. These are the future cabinets. He even plans to make the doors himself! And we are covering the random window, but left the shutters in so from the outside it just looks like closed shutters.

This is what they look like now! I am about to start the painting process and he is about to start making the cabinet doors. We are making progress!! And don't worry, he made the TV opening big enough in case "we" want to upgrade to a bigger TV. I'm so glad because I was really concerned about that (sarcasm).
Once they are completed I will post a new update! Hopefully within the next few weeks!

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