
Thursday, February 4, 2010

So...You LOVE your new curtains, but they are too short! What do you do?

While searching for a new home, we lived in an apartment for a few months. This was a VERY old apartment with windows everywhere, and nothing covering them. So I bought LOTS of floor-length curtains that I knew I could use once we found a house. My problem was, when it was time to hang them, they were all too short! My new home doesn't have the highest ceilings, but I need them to APPEAR as high as possible. The trick to this is hanging your curtains right below the ceiling. It really works! Unless your curtains are too short... So the solution: add fabric at the bottom of the curtains and turn it into a custom trim job! This is a great way to add a little personality to a drab curtain panel. Any local fabric store will have left over remnants that are at discounted prices! I found a curtain fabric remnant that was large enough to trim all 6 of my panels, and went to work! And a little secret, when I made these, I still had not touched my 3 yr old sewing machine (I know, terrible). But I am a BIG fan of iron-on hems! I used the heavy-duty kind for these curtains and it worked great! So even those of you who don't think you are crafty enough for this project, all you need is a pair of scissors, an iron, and the iron-on hem you can get anywhere (Wal-mart, for example). For about $20 worth of fabric I have 6 almost-new curtain panels!

The finished product!

A closer look...


  1. Fantastic idea, Lauren! Just out of curiosity, what length of fabric did you add to the bottom (it looks like around a foot)? I realize this can vary depending on the height of your ceilings. ~Monica

  2. Very cute! And I love your pillows, too. You have officially inspired me...I bought a sewing machine today!! We need to get started on our t-shirt quilt once my machine comes in!

  3. Monica...These were a foot. But it would all depend on your ceiling height. My curtains were 86" which was normal length for my windows, but I needed 96" to hang right at the ceiling. But you could even make the trim longer if you wanted a more dramatic effect!
    Kenzie...I am so proud of your new purchase! You will love it, I promise!!
