
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Easy Fix for Decorators Block

For those of you who know me, you know how much of a DIY-er I am. If I can't find something that I need, I will ususally try to make if myself. This was the case when recently I was trying to find new, inexpensive throw pillows for my couch. I looked at all of my normal stops, but couldn't find anything worth buying. So, while in Pier 1 looking at the bargain shelf (you can find some great things there!), I came across a curtain panel on SUPER sale for $8.50. I loved the pattern, and the colors were great for my den! So I decided to turn it into pillow covers! I simply used my old, worn pillows and covered them with the new fabric! You can't beat 3 pillows for $8.50!! :) And when I'm tired of these in a few months (an exaggeration, but not far from the truth), I won't feel bad for changing them out with something else!

I love my new pillows!

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